Jukebox - 51

After reuniting in 2007, the band said they planned to record a new album.
Last year, lead singer Jim Reid told NME that the recording of new material had been delayed by arguments between himself and his brother and fellow songwriter William.
He said: “We got back together in 2007 and it was the plan then. We thought, ‘We’ve got a bunch of songs, this would make a pretty good Mary Chain album’ – and then there was the usual slaps and scratches between my brother and myself. ‘I wanna do it here’ and ‘I don’t’ and then it was all ‘fuck you’ and swinging at each other. The usual shit, basically.”
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/jesus-mary-chain-release-first-new-album-18-years-1858041#pFExjOGdUikZA1MZ.99